Monday, April 27, 2009

Cookie Master

I thought this story was somewhat interesting but a story on a guy making fortune cookie sayings can only be so interesting. It was cool how he got inspiration for his sayings though. Reading through magazines or riding on a subway and just jotting things down as they came to him. Eleven years is a long time to be in the buisness of writing fortunes. Regardless of whether he has to use some that he's already written, I doubt the odds of someone getting the same fortune and remembering it will happen.

Johnny Depp

This story was very interesting and informative as well. Johnny Depp is a very unique character needless to say and I never knew he was born in the U.S. With his accent I just always assumed he was from over in England. I also thought it was interesting how it talked about him never taking out the gold teeth in pirates of the caribbean because it was too painful and time consuming to take them in and out.

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