Monday, April 27, 2009

Citizen Ship Credit

The Vagina Monoluges

I attended the play here on campus called The Vagina Monoluges. This play was very..interesting and unique for sure. I knew already that the play delt with women speaking out and telling of "womanhood" and such but I had no clue that the actresses would actually be up there and talking about It was kind of an awkward situation for me when I was attending too because I got stuck sitting between two women I didn't know and they apparently found everything to be funny. But the play was informative, that's for sure. I learned a lot about women that I did not want to know.

Motorcycle Wreck

Last weekend a friend of mine got back from basic training for the army. He came back to my old hometown and so I left campus and went back on Friday night to see him. A few of my other friends came in to town also for his coming back party and it turned out to be one unexpected unforgetable weekend. We were all just hanging out in town that night and decided to head over to the park and one of my friends that was with us was on his Suzuki GSX-R 1000. And if you don't know what that is it was, at one time, the fastest production motorcycle. We got to the park and he pulled in just as I was getting out of my car. As he entered the parking lot he decided he would show off by doing a wheelie. Well I guess he didn't expect to get it as fast as he did and he was heading straight for a building on one wheel. At about 65 mph he laid the bike down on the pavement and slid until the bike hit the step of the building and sumersaulted through the air. Folling the bike, he hit the step and bounced into the air hitting the wall at about 20mph. We ran over expecting the worse but surprisingly he got up on his on will and was fine other than some road rash on his knees (he was wearing a jacket, gloves and helmet). We took the bike back to his house that night and we're planning on putting it back together as soon as the parts come in.


Last sememster I attended the musical here on campus called Assassins. I thought that it was one of the best performance that i've ever seen live. The play was about all of the attempted and successful assassinations on the presidents throughout history. It started with John Wilkes Booth and his assassination on President Lincoln. From there on it would show the other assassins before they killed the presidents and Booth would follow around them inspiring them to do it. As each progressed, more and more of them would follow around inspiring the next assassin to go through with it. The musical was very well played out, I thought, and I would certainly attend it again.
Cookie Master

I thought this story was somewhat interesting but a story on a guy making fortune cookie sayings can only be so interesting. It was cool how he got inspiration for his sayings though. Reading through magazines or riding on a subway and just jotting things down as they came to him. Eleven years is a long time to be in the buisness of writing fortunes. Regardless of whether he has to use some that he's already written, I doubt the odds of someone getting the same fortune and remembering it will happen.

Johnny Depp

This story was very interesting and informative as well. Johnny Depp is a very unique character needless to say and I never knew he was born in the U.S. With his accent I just always assumed he was from over in England. I also thought it was interesting how it talked about him never taking out the gold teeth in pirates of the caribbean because it was too painful and time consuming to take them in and out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dawson's Creek

I think this was the story we were suppose to read? Anyway, I have an older sister and I remember her watching this show all the time. This story kinda talks about the controversy of teenage issues that Dawson's creek covered in the show and whether or not they should expose these issues in the show. I can kinda see both sides of this arguement. On one hand, teens do need to be exposed to these issues instead of feeling like their alone with something they might be dealing with but on the other hand, relating them to these issues through a teenage soap opra might not be the best way.

Flatbread food

I didn't quite understand the purpose of this story myself. Other than she was describing how good the pizza was, the story was rather pointless. She basically just described how everything they used to make the pizza was made from scratch, even the sausage. Which I don't quite understand how you make sausage from scratch? Do they go out and kill the pig and everything? Anyway, the story made me hungry, that's for sure. But other than that, I found it to be a rather pointless story.

Harry Potter

Personally, I was never into the whole Harry Potter thing. I tried reading one of the books and it just didn't interest me. I've seen part of one of the movies too and it still just didn't do it for me. Therefore, I wasn't too interested in this story either. This story basically just summed up Harry Potter and the basic story line. But pretty much it was a boring read for me.