Monday, June 29, 2009

First Music Experience

Growing up, my sister, six years older than I, obviously had an influence on me as someone I looked up to. I always wanted to do the things she did. Therefore, the music she listened to was the music I wanted to listen to and was what I thought was "cool." Luckily for me, in my opinion still, she had good taste in music. I grew up listening to bands like Bush, Incubus and Fuel. Also along with her influence on me was my Dad's taste in music. He enjoyed bands such as Kiss, Queen and The Beatles. So my taste of music ranges far in age but along the lines of the same Genre. When I was twelve, my sister burned a cd for me with bands from her and my dad's collection. I felt a sense of "maturity" by having this cd because I felt as if I was par with them now. To this day I still have that cd, though it struggles to play as many times that it's been used.

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